Monday, November 22, 2010

BWO - Right Here Right Now

There are few bands that can produce such consistently beautiful pop. BWO (formerly "Bodies Without Organs") is one of those bands. I fell in love with BWO when their first album came out and I discovered the singles on an EuroNRG chart. When I got the CD in the mail (which took SIX MONTHS to get to Chicago from Sweden) I brought it to my friendly neighborhood dance music store. I told the owner he just had to listen to it and that BWO was going to take over the world soon. He declined to even listen to the disc or write down the band name. Whatever, now he has a whole section devoted to BWO.

Right Here Right Now is an exceptionally produced track. Alexander Bard is really a wizard and is very good at surrounding himself with equally talented collaborators. The lead singer, Martin, is just about the prettiest face to come out Poland since Paul Grunwald and Marina is a dazzling beautiful woman.

Aside from the always-perfect productions of Mr. Bard, BWO has great strength in its remixes. I was lucky enough to contribute a remix to the electronordica website as a web bonus a few years back. This track is no exception with brilliant remixes on the single as well as remix videos.

In my opinion, BWO are groundbreaking in their liberal application of sponsorship. M-Audio, Volvo, LG and other companies are featured rather prominently in a few videos. I don't really mind it as I know how expensive it can be to produce music, and if BWO needs more money to make more music, I certainly won't hold it against them!

With Alexander working on Gravitonas with a new vocalist and Martin focusing on his new family, is this the end of BWO? I sure hope not.

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